Facts About Getting a Tummy Tuck

Whether it is for vain reasons, reasons that are medically necessary or other reasons, many people are opting for plastic surgery. One of the most popular cosmetic or plastic surgery procedures being done is the tummy tuck. The tummy tuck, also called the abdominoplasty is done to trim up the excess fat that has accumulated around the tummy, hence its commonly known name. This article will focus on the tummy tuck. There are plastic surgeons in Atlanta, Georgia who performs the abdominoplasty and other plastic surgery. You can See Perimeter Plastic Surgery to find out all about the tummy tuck.

When getting a tummy tuck, not only is the excess skin and fat removed, but the abdominal muscles are also tightened up by overlapping or folding. The excess tissue is taken out and disposed of. If a person gets a full tummy tuck, the umbilicus is opened to get rid of the excess tissue above the navel. Of course, a smaller version of the tummy tuck can be done, which does not open the umbilicus. The ideal candidate for a tummy tuck will have excess fat and skin under the belly button.

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The tummy tucks are so popular as people are trying to get that youthful body they had in their twenties and thirties. They are especially sought after by women who have to show off their nice figures in a bikini and on a beach. Other plastic surgeries that are common include, but are not limited to, rhinoplasty (nosejob), facelifts, breast augmentation and liposuction. More advanced plastic surgeries include gynecomastia (breast reduction in males), ear shaping and body contouring.

Perimeter Plastic Surgery is a leading plastic surgery center in the Atlanta, Georgia area. The plastic surgeon team offers the most up-to-date cosmetic surgical procedures for patients. The surgeon attends the necessary cosmetic surgery conferences and lectures to ensure he stays abreast of the latest in the business. The plastic surgeon brings over two decades of experience in various plastic surgery procedures. If anyone is interested in plastic surgery procedures of any kind, he or she can go online and See PerimeterPlasticSurgery.com/procedures/tummy-tuck/.

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